Friday, July 27, 2012

AFP and Narntubia

Once upon a time I saw the Dresden Dolls live at the Showbox in Seattle. If you don't know who this wondrous band was, I think you missed out! Of course they are no longer together and they have both pursued other bands. And why wouldn't I follow Amanda Palmer on her amazing journey? There really is no reason why not, she's absolutely amazing in every sense of the word! So when I got her newsletter in my email and saw that she was coming to Seattle (Amanda Palmer & The Grand Theft Orchastra) how could I say no? I scrounged up the bit of money I had, informed my comrades, and today my ticket has arrived.

Isn't it glorious? The correct answer is an overenthusiastic "Yes!"

You'll know where to find me on Sept, 30th! Adding to the awesome that is already going to happen, my three best friends are going as well (in fact, we're carpooling!) If you're jealous, go out and buy a ticket instead of grumping! If you don't live in Washington,  here is the tour list! If you don't know who AFP is, here is a video!

If you like that, you should also listen to this other song. Just note that it is not safe for work!

Alrighty, now the wonders of Narntubia! This is what you call it when you get into the depths of Youtube that show you awesome bands of awesomeness and eargasms. I've been stuck in a Narntubia loop all morning! Once you start you can't stop. Really, it's that addicting! Especially since you can easily add videos on the sidebar into a "watch later" playlist. Doesn't Youtube know I have a life to keep up with?! Here's one gem from today.

I guess today is a music sharing kind of day, isn't it? I guess I didn't mention that earlier. I love music. Especially obscure music that lives in the depths of Narntubia, brightening up the days of all those lucky enough to stumble upon them. Oh the joys of music. You should try a Narntubia trip sometime, but let me warn you to only venture there when you have the time to listen to song after song after song after... It happens, I promise. Unless you don't share the same music tastes. But that would be weird. Of course you do.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Oh look, a blog!

First blog posting, oh boy! So what is this beautiful awesome joyful blog going to be about? Oh you know, the usual. Birds, food, and random crafts. If they are failed crafts or food - even better! Oh yes, you shall all see the terrors of what happens when I fail. Pictures and all. Excited yet?

Anyhow, first thing is first. Who am I and what am I all about? Well, I already said above. I share my life with three birds named Zentavious, Samirah, and Neelix. Yes, I'm a Trekkie. Shouldn't we all be? Zen and Sam are both cockatiels and Neelix is a green cheek conure. They are all fully flighted and happy! If you have an animal with wings, you should let them use them. That's my opinion! My only regret? I don't have a good enough camera to get clear flight shots. Darn!

I am also in love with crafting and DIY things. Sometimes these don't end up well, but that's life! Cooking is also awesome, and I have a secret... I'm a sweets baby. Yep, I love me some sweets and sweets love them some Muffin (that's me, if you weren't following!) You shall all endure pictures of delicious foods, most likely lots and lots of desserts. Oh, and they are all vegetarian. I'm a salad Trekkie sweets baby. That's me in a nutshell right there.

So, if anyone actually reads this and follows - awesome! I would hope that I'm able to at least amuse some people out there, although if not that's okay too. I'll live... long and prosper. Okay okay, that was too obvious. Anyhow, here are some pictures of my birds for you to say hi to!


 Samirah (after a bath)
